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How MBTI Workshops Enhance Team Development: A Case Study at Connell Caldic

May 04, 2024


In the bustling city of Hanoi, Vietnam, a transformative event unfolded for the team at Connell Caldic, a leader in chemical manufacturing for diverse markets including food, pharma, personal care, and industrial products. Recognizing the need for enhanced team dynamics and more effective communication, Connell Caldic invited QOEN Coaching & Consulting to conduct a specialized team development workshop based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Preparing for Transformation

The journey began with a comprehensive online MBTI assessment for all team members. This preparatory step was crucial as it set the foundation for the insights that would follow. By completing the MBTI assessments online, each participant was able to engage in a process of self-discovery, identifying their personality types in a thoughtful and private setting, which paved the way for open and productive discussions during the live workshop.

The Workshop Experience

As the workshop day arrived, excitement was in the air. The QOEN team, consisting of Ms. Maryvonne Kurris and Mr. Koen Toonen, equipped with the results from the preliminary assessments, was ready to guide Connell Caldic through a day of discovery and learning. The session started with an introduction to the MBTI framework, explaining how the 16 different personality types impact team interaction and personal growth.

Participants delved into their individual results, which QOEN had organized into an organization-wide MBTI profile map. This visual representation of personality types within the company not only highlighted the diversity of the team but also showed areas where complementary skills could enhance team efficiency.

Learning Through Interaction

Throughout the workshop, the team at Connell Caldic explored how various personality traits influence communication styles, leadership qualities, and decision-making processes. Interactive activities designed by QOEN helped illustrate these dynamics in real-time, allowing team members to experience firsthand how personality differences can both challenge and enhance team collaboration.

One of the most eye-opening aspects of the workshop was the role-playing segment, where participants acted out typical workplace scenarios. This exercise brought to light how misunderstandings and conflicts could arise from differing communication styles and how they could be resolved by understanding and leveraging the strengths of various MBTI types.

Lasting Impact

The immediate feedback from the team was overwhelmingly positive. Participants expressed a greater understanding of their own behavioral patterns and a new appreciation for the differences within their team. The insights gained from the MBTI workshop are not just theoretical but practical, providing the Connell Caldic team with actionable strategies to improve their interpersonal dynamics, enhance leadership effectiveness, and make more informed decisions.

The Power of Understanding

At QOEN Coaching & Consulting, we believe in the power of understanding to transform workplaces. Our tailored MBTI workshops offer a unique opportunity for teams to connect, evolve, and thrive in an ever-changing business landscape. If your team is ready to embark on a journey of development and discovery, reach out to us. Let's create a success story together.

This post aims to not only recount the success at Connell Caldic but also to illustrate the tangible benefits of MBTI workshops in fostering team development and improving organizational effectiveness.

If you like to learn more about team coaching and team assessment, then kindly get in touch with QOEN Coaching & Consulting through clicking on the button below.

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